Divadlo Štúdio tanca
Our recent repertory

Through the womb that was once home
to two beating hearts, the dark whisper
of a twin’s extinguished pulse now

Po víťazstve (It all started with a winner)
The multidisciplinary project Po víťazstve (It All Started with a Winner) explores how culture can be used to find a path to peace in a divided society. The project opens

Premiere 5. 5. 2023 and 15. 6. 2024 QUAKE format takes Divadlo Štúdio tanca into new, non-theatre spaces. We show that dance transcends the boundaries of

re-member is a creation of the collective Honey and Dust (Andrej Kalinka and Milan Kozánek), which they created for the artistic ensemble of Divadlo Štúdio tanca.

Nine Worlds [九界] Nine of the ten worlds; those that are different from the world of Buddhism.

Golden end
Martin Kilvády’s dance performance Golden End sees dance as a craft. Skill. The ability to control the parts of the body, to create a story out of movement.

Contemporary what?
Premiere 12. 4. 2023 Contemporary dance is the daily bread for Divadlo Štúdio tanca. But for many people it is still a great unknown. The theatre

Horror Vacui
Premiere 16. and 17. 12. 2022 Horror Vacui was created at Divadlo Štúdio tanca in December 2022. It is a unique work based on the methods