6. March 2024
Po víťazstve (It all started with a winner)
12. November 2024Premiere 5. 5. 2023 and 15. 6. 2024
QUAKE format takes Divadlo Štúdio tanca into new, non-theatre spaces.
We show that dance transcends the boundaries of its discipline, its home stage.
QUAKE are shorter formats created directly by members of the company’s artistic ensemble and are based on their dramaturgical and choreographic concepts.
Running time: 60+ min.
Suitable for children aged 6 and up.
Jason Yap // Some Bodies Care (solo)
In times of pain, despair and uncertainty, we all hope that someone really cares, that someone will take care of us. But what exactly is “caring”? How much care do we need? How much attention is enough?
Some Bodies Care is an interactive dance piece that reflects on the concept of care and how we as a modern society have interpreted its meaning, its history, its emotion. The work will help us to better explore the mysteries of what it really means to care.
Diego Álvarez Sanóu // Little Stories
How are our memories? Beautiful, embarrassing, sad, happy? They dance in the air like sounds, smells and colours, bringing a mosaic of emotions and images. Sometimes our memory fails us because of illness or various traumas, sometimes we remember things we would like to forget.
In his performance Little Stories, dancer Diego Álvarez Sanóu reminds us that we don’t remember life in order. Little Stories features the entire DST ensemble performing their acrobatic and dance skills.
Cindy Ng & Jack Stromberg // PARA S I T E
Through the womb that was once home to two beating hearts, the dark whisper of a twin’s extinguished pulse now echoes.Vanishing twin syndrome is a phenomenon where one of the twins dies in the womb during pregnancy and is absorbed by the surviving twin or the mother’s body.
Cindy Ng is a dancer, an author and creator, and a twin. That’s why she became fascinated with the topic of vanishing twin syndrome. In collaboration with Jack Strömberg, Cindy’s choreography Parasite asks how the loss of one twin affects the surviving twin, their parents and those around them. She answers through movement and communication between the twins.
Concept and direction by Cindy Ng
Choreography and performance by Cindy Ng, Jack Strömberg
Sound design by Jack Strömberg
Cindy Ng // Heart Habitus (solo)
Heart Habitus deals with the idea that even bodily organs have habits that will be irreversible and unchanged for many years until death strikes. It also asks the questions: How does it feel to find yourself in a hole that wasn’t there before? (e.g., fear, anxiety, a new obligation). How does it feel when something invades your space? Habitus is one of the most influential concepts of French sociologist and anthropologist Pierre Bourdieu. It consists of hexis (the tendency to hold and use one’s body in a certain way, e.g. posture or speech accent) as well as more abstract mental habits, patterns of perception, classification, valuation, feeling, as well as action. These patterns are not just habits. They allow individuals to find new solutions without thoughtful deliberation, based on their inner feelings and intuition, which we believe are collectively and socially shaped. These attitudes, manners, tastes, moral intuitions, and habits affect an individual’s life chances, so that habitus is not only structured by an individual’s objective past position in the social environment, but also structures our future life path.
Quake - trailer

The event is held with the financial support of the Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region.